Rodents Part 1
Rodents Part 2
Rodents Part 3


Fall 2023

You can watch it on YouTube.

RODENTS is a one-minute film shot originally for my silent one-minute fall term project at Concordia, it underwent additional editing and sound supplementation. The narrative follows a woman ascending a staircase, only to find herself unable to reach the top. As she begins to descend, she sis pursued by an ominous red presence. Struggling against a seemingly impassible obstacle, she eventually passes through the barrier, continuing her descent.

This film explores the subconscious psyche, weaving together elements from my dreams. Living with rodents, I often dreamt of them, experiencing vivid lucid dreams where my mind created invisible forces to push back against my wandering thoughts. This tension reflects a theme of movement and freedom: I’m not free from the rodents, nor is my mind free from me. Who truly owns this territory? Our attempts to divide space with rules and borders raise questions about control and ownership and consciousness.